Classical Architecture stems from Greek and Roman descent, of classical antiquity, based on solid mathematical equations, producing perfection in architectural forms. It’s easy to see old Rome in Classical Architectural designs, with a key focus on symmetry, geometry and proportion.
Architecture was seen as an art in Classical civilizations, which is evident in the amount of structures built by the Romans and Greeks, but was also governed by a strict set of rules. These rules are known as the Vetruvian Triad, as outlined by the Roman Architect Vitruvius.
Each Classical Architectural design had to comply with the three main rules: solidness, uselfulness and beauty, or as they are known in Latin as venustas, utilitas and firmitas.
These three main rules enabled the artist to create designs that are defined by rational order, symmetry and logic. These bring about prized qualities from Classical civilization like contemplation, intellect and humility.
In modern times, Classical Architecture has brought along a contemporary movement, known as New Classical or Neo Traditional, and has translated to various other forms of architecture including Contemporary Designs. The style is not clearly defined, but the use of it implies a continuation of a specific historical style, which is also known as Traditionalism, Neo-Historism, or Neoclassical.
The core of New Classical is not limited to Neoclassical, and that classical, although not a style itself elevates the art of building, to the art of architecture.